Bk Law

Wills And Estate Lawyer

Balvinder Kumar is an experienced Wills and Estate lawyer with expertise to advice you on your wills and estates planning. Having a Will and appointing a Power of Attorney are the two cornerstones of any estate plan and should be considered by everyone. Call us for your wills and estate planning.


Most often many individuals delay writing their will. If someone dies without having a Will, he is considered to have died intestate, which means he has left no instructions with regard to the distribution of his property, by whom and to whom the property would be dispersed. In such a situation, the estate of deceased would be divided according to the laws of province that govern the distribution of estate property. In the absence of a Will, there may be family disputes leading to delays and extra expense in settling deceased’s estate. As such Will is an important document prepared with your instructions and wishes that will ensure smooth transition of assets to your loved ones after your death.

A Will defines who will get what and when they will get it after your death. So you need to consider the following when making a Will:

Choose BK Law as your Wills & Estate Lawyer in Mississauga and rest assured we will guide you through every step.


Powers of Attorney:

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives authority to another person selected by you to act on your behalf.

There are three different kinds of Power of Attorney:

A Continuing Power of Attorney for Property will manage and govern your property and financial affairs if you become incapable of doing so due to one or the other reason or someone is authorised to act in your absence or suffer a loss of mental incompetence. Such POA may be limited to a time or task, or give a general blanket authority.

A Non-Continuing Power of Attorney for Property will manage your financial transactions while you are away from home for an extended period of time. Usually a specific effective period is defined in this Power of Attorney.

A Power of Attorney for Personal Care will take care of your personal decisions with regard to health care and housing when you become unable to do so yourself. It is also called Living Will. This Power of Attorney is effective once you are declared as mentally incapable.

Making a will and power of attorney is a very important consideration in one’s life.Wills and Estate Lawyer makes efforts to ensure your rights are protected and your wishes are carried out. You should speak to us in confidence to prepare a better strategy for your future plan as to how your property could be passed on to your beneficiaries without much of difficulty.

Interested in learning how we can assist with your specific legal needs? Schedule a consultation today