Bk Law

Family Lawyer

Balvinder Kumar is a trusted Family Lawyer in Mississauga serving families across Mississauga, Milton, Brampton and GTA.

Family Law related issues are very sensitive and personal in nature. Every individual’s situation and family Law issues are different. Only a Family Lawyer with sound understanding of client’s situation can make the client feel comfortable and understand gravity of his/her problem and will adopt the right course of legal action within the frame work Ontario Family Law. Our initial meeting with the client will be very important to decide an effective legal course of action. Our clients will find focused representation in their family matters. Balvinder’s formal understanding in Collaborative approach of Family Law matters is helping clients to resolve their family law related issues in cost effective manner.
Our Family Law Office, BK Law is conveniently located in Mississauga and easily approachable from Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Burlington, Etobicoke, and Toronto.

Separation Agreements

When marriage breaks down, the issues between the parties can be settled through Separation Agreements. Separation Agreements are entered into by parties to deal with all their actual and potential rights and obligation with respect to each other and to release them from any claims than those arising from the settlement against each other. The terms of the Separation can be settled outside of courts. The parties can agree upon issues like ownership and division of property, support obligations, the right to custody and access to their children and any other matter in the settlement of their affairs.

Some of the ingredients of Separation:

Cohabitation Agreements

When marriage breaks down, the issues between the parties can be settled through Separation Agreements. Separation Agreements are entered into by parties to deal with all their actual and potential rights and obligation with respect to each other and to release them from any claims than those arising from the settlement against each other. The terms of the Separation can be settled outside of courts. The parties can agree upon issues like ownership and division of property, support obligations, the right to custody and access to their children and any other matter in the settlement of their affairs.

Marriage Contracts

Marriage contracts are entered into between two persons who are married or intend to marry in which they agree upon on their rights and obligations under the marriage or on separation, on annulment or dissolution of the marriage or death which usually includes ownership or division of property, support obligation and any other matter necessary for the settlement of their affairs. Marriage contract does not deal with right to custody of or access to their children. If the parties to a marriage contract separate, then this marriage contract is considered to be a separation agreement.


Mediation is a method of dispute resolution whereby the parties retain a third party professional to assist them in reaching an agreement. BK Law provides comprehensive family mediation services and helps parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution and agreement of some or all of the disputes relating to the breakdown of their marriage relationship within the ambit of Family Law. BK LAW family lawyer mediation services constitutes a step by step process using a fair and balanced process to negotiate the terms of settlement of the parties which is cost effective and time-efficient. Once the parties reach to an agreement, the same will be drafted into a separation agreement. Our Family Lawyer Office in Mississauga is providing Family Law Mediation Services to clients in Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Toronto and other parts of GTA.

Annulment of Marriage

Annulment of Marriage renders the marriage void or void ab initio (invalid) the decree of nullity declares that there was never a marriage. An annulment is a court judgment that declares a marriage void and establishes that marriage never existed. The grounds of annulment of marriage are very specific. Call us to find out more.

Foreign Divorce Legal Opinion for remarriage in Canada:

Persons, who are divorced outside of Ontario, will require obtaining an opinion from a Family lawyer of validity of foreign divorce decree so that the person can remarry in Ontario.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce An uncontested divorce is one where the spouses have agreed on all the issues raised by the divorce. Where spouses agree on the issues, the application of divorce will be processed at the Court without requiring the spouses to appear in court.


Adoptions- Domestic and Foreign

here are three types of adoption in Ontario, public adoptions, private adoptions and international adoption. Public adoptions are through the Children’s Aid Society, private adoptions are through a licensed agency or individual and international adoptions are through a licensed non-profit organization.
At BK Law, you will find focused family lawyer representation. We will make you feel comfortable and understand gravity of your problem and will adopt the right course of legal action which is cost effective and time efficient.

Our Family Lawyer is taking care of clients in Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Toronto and other parts of GTA and providing following document services:

Family Lawyer Document Service

Separation Agreement

Child Custody

Child and spousal support


Divorce Applications


Property divisions

Cohabitation Agreements

Marriage Contacts and Pre-nuptial Agreement

And much more

Interested in learning how we can assist with your specific legal needs? Schedule a consultation today